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Date February 23, 2020
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During some recent work, I’ve had the need to automate a large number of Google searches for further analysis. Lamprey is the result of that effort and it is shared here in the hope it might be useful for someone else.

Dark Age: Artificing

Date February 14, 2020
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Player guide for Artificing, a new system which I have developed for the Dark Age Ultima Online shard. This expands the previously existing crafting and magic systems to allow players the ability to customise their gear further, as well as providing long-term incentives in the PvE realm.

Hack The Box: Haystack

Date November 2, 2019
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Reading Time 5 Mins Read
An interesting box sitting on the ELK (ElasticSearch, Logstash & Kibana) stack with a slant for the CTF side, but a very good introduction to those technologies.

Hack The Box: La Casa de Papel

Date September 2, 2019
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Reading Time 8 Mins Read
Despite the “Easy” tag, La Casa de Papel was an elaborate box. A vulnerable service leads to an unusual, limited PHP shell which allows us to generate our own signed certificates to access a specific part of the site. From there, a local file inclusion lets us acquire SSH credentials and then escalate to root via a misconfiguration.

Hack The Box: Lightweight

Date May 12, 2019
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A fairly straightforward machine, Lightweight lets us explore an insuficiently secured LDAP environment, where we intercept credentials by listening in to the network device. It also leads down the path of Linux capabilities, to find an openssl binary which can do far more than it should.

Kali Linux on the Huawei P10

Date December 4, 2018
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Reading Time 4 Mins Read
Motivation With my laptop being more of a coffee table which can be moved rather than a portable device (with a comparable battery life), I was wondering if it was possible to get a Linux distribution running on my Android phone, a Huawei P10 with Oreo 8.0.0. This article tries to unify all the various sources I’ve had to use to get this to work and hopefully it will be of use to someone else, either as-is on a Huawei P10 or as a base for a similar device. Backup the device The process we’ll be undergoing will cause the contents of the phone to be wiped, so ensure that you backup your phone. The Huawei backup is more thorough than Google’s, so grab Huawei’s HiSuite, connect your phone to the computer via a USB cable and perform a backup. We’re about to flash the phone and this is not without risk. Don’t proceed if you’re uncomfortable with this and potentially with voiding your warranty. Setting up the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) On the Huawei P10 Go to the Settings application. From there, go to the System submenu and then to About. Tap the Build number option 7 times to enable the Developer Mode. You’ll get asked for your PIN after the 7th tap. Back in the System submenu, at the bottom, you’ll have a new Developer Options. Ensure these options are on: Enable OEM unlock and USB debugging. When asked, allow USB debugging from the PC you’re connected to. On the PC We will need to download the Android Debug Bridge, which you can get from Google’s repository. Once you extract the ZIP file, open a command line and navigate to the extracted folder. You should see your Huawei P10 listed if you run the following command: adb devices Unlocking the bootloader Before we can root the…
Work in progress
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