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Date April 8, 2024
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Reading Time 4 Mins Read
It has been a long time since Hexterminate has had a release, and given the size of the changes I think it justifies a 2.0 release! I’ve added native Linux support, done an overhaul of the resources and energy systems, as well as many other improvements.

An introduction to crash reporting

Date July 30, 2023
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Reading Time 3 Mins Read
Despite our best intentions, our programs will likely crash at one point or another. If this has happened on your own machine then you have your debugger at hand, but if it has happened on a user’s device this becomes more problematic. A solution for this is crash reporting: a crash dump which is sent to you for debugging, as well as any relevant log files.

Arcon – creating a bold font variant

Date August 4, 2022
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Reading Time < 1 Min Read
One of the issues I’ve regularly had during indie game development is to find a font that has the exact style I am looking for but is missing variants, e.g. comes in Regular but not Bold. For the longest time I would just skip that font and find a different one, but the open source FontForge application provides a good alternative.

Writing a logging system

Date June 4, 2022
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No matter what game we are making, robust logging is essential. It is an essential tool for the developer (and for more technical players), assisting both during development and after a game is release. My custom C++ engine, Genesis, has had a logging from the earliest days, but it has received some upgrades recently to make it easier to use. I thought it might be helpful to other developers to write an article about the considerations which go into writing such a system, as well as share some code snippets. (more…)

HEXTERMINATE – Towards a Linux build

Date August 18, 2021
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Reading Time < 1 Min Read
Let’s get HEXTERMINATE running on Linux. How difficult can it be? Beyond that, the engine receives some significant upgrades as we move towards Build 18.

HEXTERMINATE – UI & ship movement

Date June 19, 2021
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Reading Time < 1 Min Read
Ahead of starting work on the new game mode, the UI is getting a facelift to bring HEXTERMINATE to this side of the 21st century. We also look into changes being done to ship movement, to make the game more engaging and allow for improved AI.
Work in progress
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